Posing As People
Stage your own performance

If you are interested in staging a performance of Posing As People or any of its one-act plays, please consider the following:

  1. Royalty payments for all performances are due one week prior to the date of the first performance, whether or not admission is charged.

    • If all three one-acts are performed together, the royalties are $50 for the first performance and $40 for each subsequent performance.

    • If only one or two of the one-act plays are performed, each one-act requires a payment of $30 for the first performance and $20 for each subsequent performance.

    • If the one-acts are being performed for educational (high school) performances in competition, the payment is $30 for the first performance and $10 for each subsequent performance.

    Send all royalty payments in the form of check or money order payable to Hatrack River Enterprises to:

    Hatrack River Enterprises.
    P. O. Box 18184
    Greensboro, NC 27419
  2. Amateur productions in a theatre or auditorium seating over 400 must contact Taleswapper Inc. for special royalty quotations. Please include details about the performance (seating capacity, price per ticket, etc.).
  3. All plays are protected by copyright laws and conventions. It is an infringement of copyright law to give a performance or reading of any play or excerpt without the prior consent of Taleswapper Inc.. It is also a violation of copyright law to copy part or all of a play by any means, including typewriter, photocopy, videotape or computers.
  4. Each play should be presented as it appears in published form, and the author's intent should be respected in production. No changes, interpolations, or deletions in the text, title or gender of the characters shall be made for the purpose of production without written consent from the author.
  5. Whenever a play is produced, due authorship credit must be given on all programs, printing and advertising for the play.

For further questions please contact us.

Copyright © 2025 Taleswapper Inc. All rights reserved.
Reproduction in whole or in part without permission is prohibited.